We have seen the rapid rise of our reach and voice of the G100 mission and mandate with four global meetings in Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium and then in the US, notably with the UN.
These connections and conversations have opened our minds and emboldened our spirit, much as these have helped organisations we met embrace the possibility of gender equality in this decade. Together, we see and sense the powerful possibility of change with our collective action and solidarity.

As step into 2022, the momentous year of our Mission Million, we are ever more committed and duty bound to deliver on our promise: to be a positive and powerful force in mitigating barriers, inequalities and discrimination faced by women and the marginalised, through a set of actions and engagements for systemic and mindset change.
The first day of our G100-UN meeting was deeply moving, as one strong theme resonated throughout – the responsibility to reach out and lift those being left behind. Listening to the story of struggle of an eminent Supreme Court judge, we solemnly realised the platform of our privilege, individually and collectively, and it reinforced our duty and obligation to be in solidarity with those struggling and striving.
In the UN meetings, we discussed collaborative projects and possibilities, and we were once again delighted to see the openness and warmth with which our thoughts and initiatives were welcomed.
Amongst others discussions with UN leaders, some innovative thoughts included: expanding the measurement of ‘development’ by engaging performance on all the SDGs, and also creating collaborative caucuses to ensure delivery of each of the SDGs globally. Each caucus could comprise a diverse set of actors from within the UN system and other organisations such as ours in order to hold regular consultations in different countries and consolidate our actions in synergy.

At our meeting with NYU, we were excited to hold joint leadership forums and programs with our network worldwide.

All leaders welcomed our efforts at the G100 Denim Club to engage He for She partners and champions, including men as allies in the process of change.