G100-MAC Wing
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G100-MAC Wing
- Global Team
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- Global Team
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Become a Member Today. Join Our G100 Wing.
G100-MAC Membership is FREE and by Invitation or Reference.
About G100-MAC Membership
G100-MAC connects, recognizes, empowers and supports women in creative media, broadcast media, print media, electronic media, and digital or interactive media across domains like film, television, radio, music, sound recording, print, publishing, photography, visual & digital content and all media art forms & communication segments, to expand their networks, amplify their impact and celebrate their excellence.
The Tribe and Vibe of Sisterhood
As Soul Sisters & Brothers connected by our interest, dedication, passion and love for media arts & communication, through the G100-MAC tribe and vibe, our G-Wing helps connect positive and inspiring women (supported by men) in media arts and communication around a country club. It’s a free, sector network wherein every member takes part and contributes toward encouraging and enabling one another, and also setting goals and planning projects for developing engagement at all levels.
Guided by our Code of Conduct "All Positivity, No Negativity", the Global Chair provides overall direction for the entire sector, while the Country Chair provides direction for each Country Club, but ALL members are equally custodians of our caring culture and empowering endeavours.
Having a spirited safety net and support network helps build our collective impact. It is also a grooming ground for the leadership innate in one and all. By being part of a peaceful, positive, and purposeful community with a participatory ethos, we together get ‘more done’ and also shift our mindset toward a “can do” spirit.
Membership Invitation
We give the Invitation of Honorary Membership to women and men in media arts & communication with an inclusive and inspired attitude of positivity, passion and purpose. We invite those who believe in the values of care, concern, courage, commitment and collaboration and shun negativity of any kind. We value positive energy and a positive attitude, as we need those in our lives and work to make a lasting difference. We also work and partner with supportive men. We welcome as “Affiliates,” like-spirited NGOs and other organizations that are doing excellent work for the advancement of women in media arts and communication.
G100-MAC is a G100 Wing under the auspices of ALL Ladies League (ALL). Membership in G100-MAC is FREE and by personal invitation only.
For more clarifications, please read our Code of Conduct, FAQ and Terms.
For queries, kindly email info@g100mediaarts.org
Core Values
G100-MAC is non-political, non-religious, non-dogmatic. We have a philanthropic vision and inclusive ethos of mutual empowerment by women helping women in the 'she-for-she' spirit of sisterhood, creating circles of support. Our core values include;
- Sustainability
- Creativity
- Integrity
- Diversity
- Inclusion
- Community
- Transparency
- Empowerment
- Flexibility
- Peace
What We Offer Members
G is for Greatness - We've created amazing resources, projects and events to help our G100-MAC members amplify their global impact through connection, coalition, collaboration and celebration.
Weekly Podcast
The G-Spot is one hour of (G)enius conversations with (G)lobal (G)amechangers. Each week you'll hear fresh voices across our sector, giving listeners strategic insights, tips and conversations to empower us to achieve greatness as women in media.
Monthly Webinar
The G-Series is a monthly webinar that features LIVE interviews with high-profile global media executives, allowing our members to engage with these media experts, leaders and communicators in a virtual setting inside our member's G-Hub.
Weekly Newsletter
The G-Weekly is our G100-MAC's weekly industry newsletter featuring specially curated media-focused research, content from our media desk, professional development content and academic papers targeted at media arts & communication professionals.
Career Centre
The G-Centre is our Career Center, an active and expanding job bank. We curate monthly collaborative opportunities. We post announcements for open positions to enable our members to find better partnership projects, funding or employment.
Scholarship Support Program
The G-Fund is an initiative that supports the next generation of women in media through education, by awarding scholarships to deserving young women pursuing media or communication careers across all domains of media arts.
G100 Awards in Media
Annual Award Gala
The G100 Awards in Media - is an annual gala that recognizes and honours exemplary women in all facets of media arts and communication. We celebrate and reward the women who have made inspirational contributions to the industry.
G100-MAC Membership Benefits
We are very committed to supporting women in our sector wing. See a full list of membership benefits.
Expanding your global circle, connections and collaboration has never been better. Membership with the G100 Media Arts & Communication is FREE and comes with a growing range of benefits:
Enhanced access to our empowered G100 network across 100 wings + sister networks worldwide - All Ladies League (ALL), Women Economic Forum (WEF) and WICCI.
Feel motivated and supported at ALL times by a global network that cares and is engaged.
Grow your business internationally via collaboration and access to SHEconomy.in.
Access to the G-Spot Podcast, and the Monthly G-Series Webinar, featuring exclusive interviews with high-profile global media executives + G100 Award Honorees.
Opportunity to apply and participate in the G-Prize, our annual reward for media excellence and G-Fund, our annual scholarship program.
Access to full recordings of past G-Series & Virtual Gatherings.
Access to our member's hub, the G-Hub; an expanding community of experienced, influential and inspirational women and leaders in all forms of media arts & communication globally.
G100-MAC Online discussion forum for networking with industry peers worldwide and G-Connect, our monthly peer meet and greet.
Access to G-Centre, our G100-MAC Career Centre, an expanding job bank for companies interested in employment candidates like you.
- Opportunity to collaborate for free in our Partnership Projects as Expert Contributors to G-Woman Magazine or host your own radio show/podcast on G-Woman Radio.
Opportunity to volunteer with your country's CAC as an advisory member. For more details, please contact us at info@g100mediaarts.org.
Exclusive event discounts to G100-MAC networking and recognition programs like our annual Global Media Arts Festival or G100 Awards.
Curated media-focused research, professional development content and academic papers in our G100-MAC Member's Hub.
Free Subscription to G-Weekly, G100-MAC's weekly industry newsletter.
50% Discount to submit sponsored content (for your brand or business) to be included in our G-Weekly newsletter.
Participate in G100 Global meetings and WEF events all across the world.
Lead with your uniqueness. As we create a powerful network of women, working through distributed leadership, you get the precious opportunity to take up a leadership role in G100-MAC as Country Chairperson or serve within your country's leadership team via the Country Advisory Council.
Request your personal invitation to G100-MAC
We look forward to inviting YOU into our sector wing and influential network.
Got Questions about G100-MAC? Get in Touch
We Look Forward to Hearing From You.
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+1 (315) 567-4355
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